Thursday, January 31, 2013


Great truth from Max Lucado.

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UpWords · 01/31/2013 Weekday Email
 Today's MP3

John the Baptist would never get hired today. No church would touch him.  He was a public relations disaster.

Mark 1:6 says he "wore clothes of camel's hair and ate locusts and wild honey."

His message was as rough as his dress. A no-nonsense, bare-fisted challenge to repent because God was on His way.  No, John's style wasn't smooth. He made few friends and lots of enemies, but what do you know?  He made hundreds of converts. How do you explain it?  It certainly wasn't his charisma, nor his money or position—for he had neither.  Then what did he have?  One word:  Holiness.

Holiness seeks to be like God. You want to make a difference in your world?  Live a holy life.  Be faithful to your spouse. Pay your bills. Be the employee who does the work and doesn't complain. Don't speak one message and live another!  Just be God in your world.

"…as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, because it is written, "Be holy, for I am holy." (I Peter 1:15-16)

From:  A Gentle Thunder

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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Fwd: UpWords · 01/29/2013

Great message from Max Lucado. 

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UpWords · 01/29/2013 Weekday Email
 Today's MP3

Two-thousand years ago the disciples of Jesus started a movement that changed the world.  Are we still changing the world?  We can.  We can be two-thousand times more effective—if we only try!

Here's an example.  There are 145 million orphans worldwide.  Nearly 236 million of us living in the U.S. call ourselves Christian.  From a purely statistical standpoint, by ourselves, we have the wherewithal to house every orphan in the world.  There's enough food on the planet to feed the hungry!  But the storehouse is locked.

God has given our generation everything we need to alter the course of human suffering. Change must start with us!  With our transformation!  Ours is the wealthiest generation of Christians ever!  We can be more effective—if only we try!

From:  Max on Life

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Thursday, January 24, 2013

NRO - Wrong on Women Warriors

Wrong on Women Warriors on NRO

Jan 24, 2013 By Heather Mac Donald

We have apparently arrived at the Golden Age, free from strife and the threat of foreign enemies. Little else can explain so gratuitous a decision as to place women in combat units. The d...

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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

God uses people to accomplish His purpose

Great reminder from Max Lucado.

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UpWords · 01/22/2013 Weekday Email
 Today's MP3

Sinners, the ungodly, the imperfect, the fearful!  Why does God choose such losers to change the world? I'm thinking it's because there's a lot more of us to choose from!

God uses people to change the world.  Abraham the liar.  David the adulterer and murderer.  Are you getting the picture?  What they lacked in perfection, God made up for in love. How can God possibly use you to make a difference?  Look at those He's already used and take heart!  Because you are imperfect, you can speak of making mistakes. Because you're a sinner, you can give testimony to forgiveness.  God restores the broken and the brittle, then parades them before the world as trophies of his love and strength!  If God chose only righteous people, you could count them all on one finger—Jesus!

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." 2 Corinthians 5:17

From Max on Life

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Friday, January 11, 2013

Friday, Jan 11, 2013

Friday, Jan 11, 2013.

This is our last day in Myanmar. I woke up feeling much better. My fever is gone and I am only coughing a little bit. It should be a good day today.

Lazarus picked us up at 8:45 am and after we dropped off Darryl at the college to teach his last lesson, the rest of us headed out to go sightseeing and do some shopping. Lazarus took us to the Shwedagon Pagoda, which is one of the largest Buddhist temples in Myanmar. It was a beautiful place with all their gold statutes of Buddha and teak wood carvings. There were a lot of people who had come to pray, burn incense, and listen to the monks. For me it was a pretty creepy place. To get into the temple we each had to pay $5 US and take our shoes and socks off.

We then went shopping at a local market that was in downtown Yangon. Prices were pretty good overall. There were some really inexpensive things as well as gold and jade jewelry that were really expensive. Michelle wanted me to find a nativity scene but all I could find was lots of carvings of Buddha; lots and lots of Buddha's. I did buy some water colored pictures, a lion carving, and some handmade bracelets.

We ate lunch at a nearby restaurant and then drove 10 or so miles to a WWII cemetery for British soldiers. 27,000 soldiers from Britain other United Kingdom nations were buried there. They died fighting alongside Burmese soldiers who fought the Japanese.

The traffic, smog, and congestion is just terrible here in Yangon. I have a hard time seeing how people can live like this.

For dinner this evening, we met Lazarus and his family at a restaurant called the Golden Duck. The meal was great! Of course, we did have roast duck and it was very good. After dinner Lazarus and his family presented each of us with some gifts. We gave them all a big hug and said our goodbyes.

This has been a great experience and one that I will never forget. The people are so friendly and hospitable. The food is great and inexpensive, and best of all I was able to teach a group of future Christian pastors and ministry leaders the principles of leading like Jesus.

Tomorrow morning we will depart for the airport at 8:30 am and our plane departs at 11 am. Maybe one day the Lord will bring me back. In the meantime, I will be praying for Lazarus, his family, Yangon Christian College, and the people of Myanmar.

Blessings from Myanmar! Hope to see you soon.


Fred R. Waggoner
Fred R. Waggoner
4221 Forsythe Drive
Lexington, KY 40514
Home: 859-223-7972
Cell: 859-312-5334
Soli Deo Gloria - "For God's glory alone".


Thursday, January 10, 2013

Thursday, Jan 10, 2013

Thursday, Jan 10, 2013.

Not much better this morning except that my stomach is no longer hurting me. I'm running a pretty high fever. I must have the flu? Up until this point, I probably had a small fever, but this morning I am burning up one minute and freezing the next.

I've got this morning to teach and finish up my Lead Like Jesus class and I will be finished. I pray that the Lord will give me the strength I need to do well. I don't really feel so bad but I am very weak.

My class went very well. I did struggle a couple of times as my voice is about to go. But, we got through it. After I finished, many of the students got up and thanked me for coming and told me that this had totally changed the way they look at leadership. Lazarus told me that this was the best training that he had ever had on leadership. There also were three older gentlemen in the class who were leaders and representatives from several local Churches of Christ. They asked me to come back and teach Lead Like Jesus to all the pastors in the Yangon area. I told them that I would love to do so, if they could arrange for a suitable time and location where they could get them together.

After my class was over, we took pictures of the students and of Lazarus' family. Craig Yates also shot a short video clip of the students doing C-A-T-S, cats, cats, cats! It was really hilarious!

I did not eat lunch today. I really wasn't very hungry. So, I went back to our hotel room and got some much needed rest. Hopefully, I will get rid of this fever by tomorrow. Friday will be our day to sightsee and to go shopping at the craft market.


Fred R. Waggoner
Fred R. Waggoner
4221 Forsythe Drive
Lexington, KY 40514
Home: 859-223-7972
Cell: 859-312-5334
Soli Deo Gloria - "For God's glory alone".


Wednesday, Jan 9, 2013, continued.

Wednesday, Jan 9, 2013, cont.

Lazarus picked us up at 8:30 and I was again teaching at 9 am. I felt really bad, but once I started teaching it all changed. My head quit hurting, my cough was gone, and I was able to focus completely on the lesson that I was presenting. Thank you Lord for answering my prayer and giving me the strength that I needed to accomplish what you brought me to Myanmar to do.

I finished up teaching at noon and then Lazarus gave us a briefing on his work and the future plans that they have for their ministry. I had a terrible time of concentrating on what he was trying to tell us. My headache came back and I started to feel very weak again. His briefing lasted until about 1:30 pm and then we went back to the hotel. I took some cold medicine and went straight to bed.

I slept for about three hours and got some very good rest. We ate dinner at a nearby Thai restaurant that is located in the shopping center near the hotel. I was careful to get something that was not too spicy. I then went into the grocery store and picked up some Kleenex, cough syrup and drops, and some butter cookies (made in China) to munch on as well as a can of Pringles.

I feel a lot better this evening. I don't have much of a cough now but I do have a runny nose. The main problem now is with my stomach. I took a couple of Imodium pills that Craig gave me and so I hope that works.

Tomorrow is my last day of teaching. We will then do some shopping and sightseeing on Friday and the head back home on Saturday morning.

Fred R. Waggoner
Fred R. Waggoner
4221 Forsythe Drive
Lexington, KY 40514
Home: 859-223-7972
Cell: 859-312-5334
Soli Deo Gloria - "For God's glory alone".


Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Forgive one another

Ephesians 4:32 NIV

"Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you."

See it at

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Tuesday & Wednesday, Jan 8-9, 2013

Tuesday, Jan 8, 2013

Our AC unit is leaking again inside our room? I did not sleep well at all last night. I first woke up at 3 am, then 4 am, and after that could not go back to sleep. So, at 5 am, I got up and took my shower.

It seems that I have some congestion and coughing going on. It started after our trip through the city to get to the wedding reception. The pollution and smog caused by the traffic is terrible! I'm already taking antibiotics for a sinus infection, so I should be OK. I hope?

I taught again this morning. The sessions are going very well. The students are actively participating and asking lots of good questions.

I think they finally got our AC fixed! It's too hot to turn it off, but at the same time we did not want all of our clothes and shoes to get wet either. It was 91 degrees today and 77 degrees at 9 pm at night, so the AC is almost essential.

This evening we took a taxi cab and ate at a restaurant somewhere close to downtown Yangon. The food is very good here, as long as you like Chinese or Thai type food.

We will teach LLJ again tomorrow morning and after lunch Lazarus is going to give us a briefing on his ministry and future plans.

Wednesday, Jan 9, 2013

I had a very bad night last night. My cold has dropped down into my chest. I woke up at 2 am coughing so hard. I couldn't stop coughing for what seemed like 15 or 20 minutes. I was able to take some sinus/cold pills that I had brought with me from home and finally the coughing stopped. I finally got back to sleep at 3 am.

I woke up at 6 am and feel terrible. I have a headache, my chest hurts, back hurts (as always), and I feel like crap. I am running on low power this morning that's for sure. My cough is a little better though. I will get Lazarus to stop by a drug store and I'll get some cough drops or syrup and that should help.

I pray that the Lord will give me strength today to teach my 3 hour class. If I can get through that, I can then come back and rest at the hotel.

Thanks for your prayers. I definitely need them today.



Fred R. Waggoner
Fred R. Waggoner
4221 Forsythe Drive
Lexington, KY 40514
Home: 859-223-7972
Cell: 859-312-5334
Soli Deo Gloria - "For God's glory alone".


Monday, January 7, 2013

Myanmar - Mon, Jan 7, 2013

Monday, Jan 7, 2013

I woke up at 5 am when our AC unit began making terrible noises and leaking water into the room. Needless to say, I couldn't go back to sleep. Craig this morning woke up with some stomach problems, but they later cleared up and he is fine now.

Our breakfast this morning was just like yesterday except there was not fruit. We ate breakfast with a group of Korean businessmen who were getting ready to fly back to their homes. The bright spot of the morning was that we had HOT water!! Thank you Lord for your wonderful blessings that we so often take for granted.

Lazarus picked us up at 8:30 am and I started teaching the students at 9 am. There were 44 students and about 10 adults in the class. I decided not to show any of our videos or use our power point slides in that most of the students do not speak or read English. Lazarus served as my interpreter. Everything went really well and I was able to cover the material within the time that I had  been given. We started at 9 am and took a 30 minute break at 10:30, restarted at 11 am and I finished at noon. The students then wanted to ask questions so I stayed another 30 minutes with them. It was obvious by their questions that they were "getting" what I was teaching them. They were very attentive and everyone took a lot of notes.

We left for lunch at 12:30 pm. Lazarus took us to the City Center Shopping Center food court and we ate grilled chicken with rice, soup, and a soft drink. All this cost us about $15 US for all five of us; really cheap and really good.

After lunch we went back to the hotel to rest until Lazarus was going to pick us up at 3 PM. When we got back to our room, the AC unit had leaked water all over the floor. We again notified the manager and he quickly mobilized the maids who came and cleaned up the mess. They later sent someone who was supposed to fix the AC. At 3 PM, we went with Lazarus and his family to a church for a wedding reception and dinner. It was a strange reception in that the bride and groom were not present. They were married several weeks before in Japan where they now worked and lived, so their parents had a reception for them at their home church.

After we returned from the reception, we sat around the hotel and played cards and talked until about 10 pm and then went to bed. I was able to use my iphone and talk with Michelle, who is in Florida, using Face Time. What a great thing! Here I am on the other side of the world and able to not only talk with Michelle, but to actually see her!

I continue to be impressed by how welcoming and friendly the people of Myanmar are to us. Tomorrow, I will resume my teaching of Lead Like Jesus to the students and will complete the section on the Heart of a Servant leader and hopefully be able to finish the section on the Head of a Servant leader. It should be a good day, but it is supposed to be 90+ degrees again. Continue to pray for us.

Blessings from Myanmar.



Fred R. Waggoner
Fred R. Waggoner
4221 Forsythe Drive
Lexington, KY 40514
Home: 859-223-7972
Cell: 859-312-5334
Soli Deo Gloria - "For God's glory alone".


Check out this verse on

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 NIV

"Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."

See it at

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Sunday, January 6, 2013

Verse if the day

Colossians 3:15 NIV84

"Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful."

See it at

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Myanmar - Sun, Jan 6, 2013

Sun, Jan 6, 2013

I woke up this morning at about 4 am to the sound of a Buddhist monk praying over a loud speaker. I got up, used the bathroom, and then dug through my luggage to find my ear plugs. After I put them in, I was able to sleep for a couple of more hours. I think that we finally got up at around 6:30 am or so, cleaned up and went downstairs to the restaurant for breakfast. We were served two eggs, over easy, with two pieces of toast, some butter, jelly, and apple slices. There was no menu and no options. I asked for my eggs to be scrambled but the waiter did not understand. We did have a choice of drinks – coffee with sugar and milk or hot tea.

Lazarus picked us up for church at 9 am. When we arrived at the school, Lazarus' family and the students had formed a receiving line to welcome us. We spent several minutes meeting and greeting the students and looking around the campus, which is very, very small and crowded. The church service was great! They have a good number of very talented musicians and singers. They sang several praise and worship songs that we do in the US. Several students, both male and female, sang special songs and they had a chorus that also sang. The entire service, except for Craig's sermon, was organized and conducted by the students. Craig gave a very good sermon on "Making a difference".

After the service was over, we went into Lazarus' home where his wife Acha fixed us a great lunch. While we were waiting for the meal to be prepared, we watched several videos clips of some of the work they are doing in Myanmar. We also talked with Lazarus about the school and asked him how he became involved in his work. He told us that his father became a Christian through the Morris family who were longtime missionaries to Myanmar. Michelle's parents know the Morris' and had asked me if Lazarus had any involvement with them. At the time, I did not know but now can say that Lazarus' ministry is a result of the seeds that the Morris family planted many years ago. Lazarus' father passed away with TB when he was only 6 years old. His father made his mother promise that she would train Lazarus to become a minister

The Bible college now has a total of 52 students and seem to have about the same number of male and female students. The students do not pay any tuition and receive scholarships for their room and board. The funds for the scholarships are provided from churches in the US, like Broadway and others who support this ministry. They have a total of seven teachers. Most of the teachers do go into some type of ministry work after they graduate, such as, youth pastors, worship leaders, etc. 

After lunch, we came back to the hotel and rested. In the evening, we walked a few blocks to a shopping center and ate dinner at their equivalent of a "food court". I had a fried chicken sandwich and a sprite. In the shopping center they have a grocery store, clothing stores, drug store, hair salons, and most things that you might find in a mall back in the US.

Tomorrow, I will begin teaching LLJ to the students from 9 am until noon. Craig will be teaching some of the local pastors about starting a small groups ministry. Darryl Nunnelly and Mike Toncray will be working on the project to build the sound/video booth. Should be a good day!

I am so impressed with the warm and friendly way that we have been received here. Everywhere we have been, from the school, to our hotel, restaurants, etc., all have been so friendly and helpful. We'll, I had better sign off. I will post again tomorrow to let you know how my first class went. Blessings!

Fred R. Waggoner
Fred R. Waggoner
4221 Forsythe Drive
Lexington, KY 40514
Home: 859-223-7972
Cell: 859-312-5334
Soli Deo Gloria - "For God's glory alone".


Saturday, January 5, 2013

Myanmar - Sat, Jan 5, 2013

Sat, Jan 5, 2013:


First day in Myanmar – we left Taipei at 7 am this morning and arrived in Yangon at 10:09 am. It was about 75 degrees when we landed but got up to the upper 80's later on. Going through their customs was not a problem. US is a lot tougher. Lazarus Fish and his entire family were at the airport to meet us. We took a taxi to our hotel but he got lost on the way and had to stop and ask directions.


Our hotel is the Hotel Ruby. It is a mom and pop type of hotel. The rooms are clean, nice beds, room has a frig and best of all, air conditioning! Also, they have wifi in each of the rooms! The rooms are small, however, and there are two of us staying in each one. So, it's a little tight, especially with all or our luggage.

We talked with Lazarus for about an hour about our itinerary for the week and then made arrangements to go out to dinner with his family. They would pick us up at 5 pm. Good to go so far.


Sat, Jan 5, 2013, cont.


We ate dinner with Lazarus and his family at a very nice restaurant that is located in a very beautiful park that is on the shore of a large lake here in Yangon. The scenery was truly fantastic. The food was delicious. We had steak, chicken, fish, and vegetable dishes that were served "family" style. Of course, there was lots of rice and we had fruit for dessert. The meal was very, very good and was a lot like eating Chinese back home. Darryl wasn't feeling too well and did not go with us to dinner. So, keep him in your prayers. I think he was just worn out by all the traveling we did.


On Sunday we will go to church. Craig Yates will be preaching the sermon. We will then get some rest in the afternoon. On Monday morning, I will start teaching LLJ to the college students. More to follow.


Fred R. Waggoner
Fred R. Waggoner
4221 Forsythe Drive
Lexington, KY 40514
Home: 859-223-7972
Cell: 859-312-5334
Soli Deo Gloria - "For God's glory alone".


Friday, January 4, 2013

Journey to Myanmar

We are off on another journey of a lifetime. I left on Thursday, Jan 3rd with a group of four guys from Broadway Christian Church for a mission trip to Myanmar (Burma).

We will be teaching Lead Like Jesus and discipleship as well as working on a construction project at a seminary in the capital city of Yangon.

I am posting this from the Taipei airport. It is Sat morning here. We had a 14 hour flight from LA and stayed the night at a local hotel here. We depart here at 7 am and arrive in Yangon at 10:15 am.

I will try to post every day depending on the availability of the Internet.

Stay tuned. Blessings.


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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Check out this verse on

Deuteronomy 6:5 NIV84

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength."

See it at

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