Monday, February 18, 2013

Report from Liberia (Monday, Feb 18)

Monday, February 18, 2013 – Greetings from Ganta, Liberia. Just when I was getting ready to really like this hotel, they decided they were not going to open the restaurant until 8 am this morning.  This means that we are not going to be able to get our omelets or our hot coffee!! Lord, teach me patience today.

Our driver was right on time and we left for the church at 8:15 am. When we arrived, things were in a somewhat state of confusion. People were working frantically to finish setting things up. I did not have any problems getting my projector, laptop, and speaker system hooked up and ready to go. A young man from the church was a great help and it only took me 15 or so minutes and we were ready. We did have to use a white sheet as a screen, which caused the slides and videos to be blurred somewhat, but we are in rural Africa and this is really about as good as I have seen it.

The only small glitch I had was that they were unable to get my participant's guide copied for me. I had emailed it about a month ago and they somehow lost the file and I emailed it again to them last Tuesday. They were supposed to get it printed before I arrived, but they were obviously very busy and didn't get around to making copies until Sunday afternoon. Then they ran out of toner. So, first thing this morning they made a run to buy some more toner. After I had set up my projector and laptop and got that ready, I went to check on the copies of the participant's guide. I found them in process of making copies for me. I asked them how long it would take and made the assessment that I could get by if they would make 40 copies of the first 5 or 6 pages, and then do the same for the next two groups that I would have today. Then later on this afternoon they could make the rest of the copies for me. They agreed. I then went back to my class and began my lesson. It took them about 10 minutes and they brought me the copies that I needed. In the meantime, I was introducing myself to the group and giving them the overview or our study and what they would be learning over the next four days. So, it all worked out rather nicely.

I was somewhat surprised by who had actually attended the conference. We had expected mostly pastors and church elders with only a few regular church members. Instead, we got just the opposite. This caused me to rethink what I was going to present. Unfortunately, I didn't realize this until I started teaching the first group. I was able to make some minor modifications to what I covered for the next two groups.

Overall, things went really well. The people were very interested and paid great attention. After a little warming up, they all readily participated in the group discussions and asked some great questions. I was unable to cover as much as I wanted to, but I think that I will be able to catch up tomorrow.

We started at 9 am and finished right on time at 4:15 pm. I know that all three of us are worn out! It was a very hot day and I sweat so much. My clothes from head to toe were just soaked. After we got things all packed up and put away, we then drove over to the church on the other side of town and finished the gutter project that we had started on Sunday. Things went very well and we were able to complete the job and return to the hotel by 7 pm or so – just as the sun was setting on the horizon. A long tiring day, but it was a rewarding day.

Your and our prayers were answered! Ernie got his missing bag this afternoon and as far as he can tell he is not missing anything that was in it. Praise God!

Thanks so much for your prayers and the comments that you have posted. Tomorrow is day 2 of our teaching. I will be talking to them about the "Heart" and the "Head" of a servant leader who leads like Jesus. More to follow from Ganta tomorrow.




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