Sunday, January 12, 2014

Greetings from Jamaica (Jan 12, 2014)

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Greetings from Jamaica!

I slept pretty well last night, even though it was about 80 degrees when we went to sleep. But, it really cooled down and I actually got cold enough to wake up and turn the fan off. My alarm went off at 6 am and I got up and went to take a shower. Everyone else was fast asleep. Of course, there was no hot water and so I took a cold shower. It was pretty cold at first but I got used to it and it was actually OK. A few times the cold water took my breath away.

After I showered and shaved, I went downstairs to make some coffee. Needless to say, I made it a "little" strong. Oh, well? After a few minutes, most of the "older" guys started to wander down stairs to drink some coffee and wait for breakfast.

Church services today were very good. As expected, it started a half hour late. The singing was wonderful and Pastor Jerry gave a great sermon. We started at 10:30 am and it was over at a few minutes past noon. Not bad by Jamaican standards!

Lunch was at KFC in Old Harbour. After that, we came back to the church and did some prep work to get ready for tomorrow's seminar, ie., checked out the audio/visual equipment, microphones, etc. I also took about 2 hours to review my lesson notes again. Dennis took several of the team members who had never been to Old Harbour and showed them around the city, to include the really poor area that is close to the church. They got to see "real" poverty. It was an eye opening experience for them.

At 6 pm we attended the Sunday evening service here at the church. Wow!! What singing! I posted a video clip for you to see just a small part of one of the songs that we sang. Following the song service, Curt Nordhielm preached on the Great Commission. He did a great job and made some points that I had not thought of before.

After the evening service, we ate dinner and then met with Pastor Jerry to make final coordination for tomorrow's seminar. As luck would have it, the company that was supposed to deliver the round tables this afternoon, failed to show. So, we just may have to use rectangle ones that we have here at the church.

We ended the day with Dennis and Mary holding a team meeting to tell everyone all the do's and do not's and to get tomorrow's construction plans all worked out. We had a time of sharing and then we prayed and are now getting ready for bed. I'm probably the only one up right now.

We'll, that's the report for Sunday. All in all, it was a very good day. I pray that tomorrow will be even a better one and that the right people come to our leadership seminar and that the audio/visual and other support items work as planned.

Thanks for your prayers. Lord willing, I will post again tomorrow evening.



Fred R. Waggoner
Fred R. Waggoner
4221 Forsythe Drive
Lexington, KY 40514
Home: 859-223-7972
Cell: 859-312-5334
Soli Deo Gloria - "For God's glory alone".


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