Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Greeting's from Jamaica (Jan 15, 2014)

Wednesday, January 15, 2014.

Greetings from Jamaica!

I almost over slept this morning. I was so sound asleep that I didn't even hear my phone alarm go off. I had set it for 5 am, but I was so tired that I did not hear it until 5:30. So, I guess it just beeped for about 30 minutes. This morning the cold shower didn't work to wake me up. I finally got 3 cups of coffee down me before I started to feel good.

We had breakfast at 7 am. This morning we had ackee and salt fish (the Jamaican national meal). I did not partake. Instead, I ate fried plantains, fruit bread, watermelon, and pineapple. And, had lots of coffee!

After breakfast we set up for the last day of teaching. As with the other two days, some that came on the first two days did not return for the third. But, some that came the first day came back the third and final day and one person showed up for the first time on the third day. Oh, well? There were at least 9 leaders/pastors that came every day and I feel that they got something that will help them.

We got started at 9:15 am with Pastor Jerry leading our time of singing and worship. When he turned it over to me it was 9:30 am. After Tuesday's session, I was still almost an hour behind schedule. So, I cut out some things and reduced some activities a few minutes here and there and things worked out. I only went over about 15 minutes and I was able to fully cover the most important points and allow for some good group discussion on them.

I also was able to talk with them about the four-stage/phase leader development process that Luke and I have used in Uganda, Liberia, and Ghana. I showed them how it works and how if they will commit to it and follow through, they can exponentially grow the number of leaders in their churches. Then, I offered to come back to Jamaica and start this same process with them, but only if they will make a long-term commitment and be willing to follow through. We will see what happens? There are five younger pastors that seem to be "chomping" at the bit and are excited to begin. So, we will see what the Lord works out.

In the afternoon, Dale Cornett completed his teaching on Biblical eldership. After he was finished, Dennis and Pastor Jerry brought Dale, Curt, and I upfront to thank us and present us with a nice gift – a very nice Jamaican necktie. Then, the work teams from the two churches came in and joined us as we gathered around these leaders, laid our hands on them, and then prayed for them, their churches, and for Jamaica. It was a very touching experience and I really believe that these leaders were lifted up and encouraged by it.

We then put away all of our stuff, cleaned up the sanctuary, and reset the chairs for the evening service. Once that was over, I went to my room and changed clothes. When I came downstairs, I saw that the work teams had started a bucket chain-gang and were passing buckets filled with concrete from one side of the property to the next and they were short a few people, so I joined in and passed concrete filled buckets for about 2 hours.

For dinner this evening, we had jerk chicken and chicken foot soup. These are two traditional dishes that Jamaica is famous for. I can say one thing for sure; the food has been great this week! I would say it's the best that I've ever had here and this makes my fifth or sixth time.

At 7 pm we went to the church's Wednesday evening service. They did something very special tonight for us. We started out by singing several praise and worship songs for about 15 minutes or so. Then, Pastor Jerry brought up a group of about 15 church members (mostly women) up to the front of the sanctuary. These folks then sang and danced to several Jamaican songs that they had learned at church camp and vacation Bible school when they were growing up. The songs and dancing was great. We all laughed and clapped and had a great time. You could especially see that they also enjoyed "performing" for us. What a very special night!

As we finished the service, Pastor Jerry presented the leaders of the two construction teams with a special gift to take back to their churches and thanked them for all that they had done to help complete the school building. Later, during the devotions, Dennis and Mary presented Dale, Curt, and I with a Jamaican coffee mug and some Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee.

Tomorrow, Dale and Curt leave for the airport at 5 am to catch their plane that will take them back to Boise, Idaho. I have one more day here and will be meeting with Dennis, Jerry, and Locksley Todd (who is a local Jamaican that is on our mission board there) to talk about the school and our progress on getting the start up and operational budget put together.

Thanks again for your prayers. One more post tomorrow evening and Lord willing I will be on my way back to Kentucky.



Fred R. Waggoner
Fred R. Waggoner
4221 Forsythe Drive
Lexington, KY 40514
Home: 859-223-7972
Cell: 859-312-5334
Soli Deo Gloria - "For God's glory alone".


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