Monday, January 13, 2014

Greetings from Jamaica (Jan 13, 2014)

Monday, January 13, 2014

Greetings from Jamaica!

This morning I was up at 5 am. I showered, read my Bible and prayed, and went downstairs to get some coffee at about 6:45 am. We ate breakfast at 7 am and started sitting up for the seminar at 7:30. I could not believe it, but as we walked to the sanctuary to open it up we were met by a man who said, "I have some tables for you". He was the guy with the round tables that was supposed to be delivered on Sunday and we were sure glad to see him. Thank you Lord for working out the small details.

It took us a little while to set up. Jerry did not arrive until almost 8 am and Dennis was really busy getting the construction teams organized for the day's work. So, Curt, Dale and I had to "wing it" and do our best to find things, hook up and turn on the speaker system, projector, etc. But, it all worked out and we were ready by 9 am, which is the time the first person arrived.

The leadership seminar was not well attended. 23 people had registered and paid in advance and another 10 or so had told Jerry that they would pay at the door but were coming. Only 11 showed up. I don't quite understand if you paid for something why would you not show up to it? Maybe they'll show up tomorrow? Who knows?

We kept waiting for more to show up and when they didn't, we finally got started at 9:30 am. Pastor Jerry led us in several worship songs until about 9:45. Then, both he and Dennis spoke and welcomed everyone. So, I did not get started with the Encounter session until after 10 am. So, I was about an hour behind from the start.

On a good note, the ones who did show up told me that they really learned a lot from the session and are eager to come back tomorrow. I was able to get through the introduction portion of the Encounter and about half way through the Heart section before I had to stop at noon for lunch.

After lunch Curt Nordhielm presented a session on the Image of God and the leadership roles of men and women. It was a great session and he did a great job presenting the material. We did have a woman pastor in the audience and Curt did a good job laying out the Bible basis for his talk and at the same time recognizing that in some places where men don't or won't step up, women have to assume lead roles in the church.

The biggest issue we had today was the noise and distractions from all the construction that was going on. It was very hard to hear (for both me and the participants) and it was very hard for me to stay focused. It was definitely not a good thing to schedule both the seminar and the start of a construction project at the same church at the same time. Lesson learned.

Tomorrow, I'm going to do my best to start the session at 9 am. We will see how many show up? My plan is to start, with or without everyone there. I have an hour to make up and I've reviewed my notes to pick several places where I can shorten an activity or two. So, hopefully we will get close to being back on schedule. I do not want to have to cut the Habits short on the final day. I have come to the conclusion that besides the Heart section, the Habits of a Servant leader is the second most important topic that we cover during the Encounter.

Overall, I think the Pastors who did attend are getting something that they can take back to their churches and will also help them be better leaders and shepherds of their flock. As for the construction, it sure looks like these guys got a lot done today on the school building.

Thanks in advance for your prayers. Lord willing, I'll post again tomorrow evening. Our internet this evening is not working very well and I was unable to access it for over two hours. But, just before I was about to give up, I tried to get on it one more time before going to bed and it worked!




Fred R. Waggoner
Fred R. Waggoner
4221 Forsythe Drive
Lexington, KY 40514
Home: 859-223-7972
Cell: 859-312-5334
Soli Deo Gloria - "For God's glory alone".


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